What is senbism | senbism | TORAY

The word
"senbism" is created by combining seni (the Japanese word for fiber) + bi (the Japanese word for beauty)

+ ism, and it expresses
Toray’s unique concept of
developing fashion from the stage of polymers.

We intend to keep providing materials that create a strong
impression based on the concept of creating fashion from polymers.
This intention is embodied in the word "senbism."

To that end, we at Toray have brought
researchers and specialists in a range of different fields such as technology, sales,
and marketing together as one to create
the fashion textiles of the future through trial and error.

  1. 1. Ensure that Toray's innovative technology and the history and tradition of manufacturing are fused
  2. 2. Provide both a sense of fashion and functionality to wearers
  3. 3. Pursue development that incorporates the desires of makers and wearers

With Senbism, we will innovate
the fashion industry value chain by holding fast to these three principles
and proposing the creation of new clothing through materials.

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